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A Brief History of the Endangered Species Act

A Brief History of the Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act: The ESA was passed in 1973 with the goal of protecting and recovering populations of species in danger of extinction, as well as the habitats in which they live. Five threat factors are listed in Section 4(a) of the act as qualifications for listing: (A) the…
November 20, 2019
The Opportunities from Florida’s 2016 Solar Energy Amendment

The Opportunities from Florida’s 2016 Solar Energy Amendment

With a nickname like “The Sunshine State”, it’s no surprise that solar power is very feasible in Florida due to the amount of sunshine the state receives. Though Florida is uniquely positioned for solar power generation, current state law has only recently allowed Third Party Owners (TPO) to sell, lease, or…
November 20, 2019
Phonons: The New Negative Gravity

Phonons: The New Negative Gravity

According to a paper released July 23 with arXiv a group of scientists have now considered sound to have negative mass, and constantly drifting in all directions. This new concept has shattered the conventional way of thinking about sound as a wave. This new paper argues the fact that instead of…
Daniela Zapata
March 8, 2022
Benefits of Switching to Renewable Energy

Benefits of Switching to Renewable Energy

Solar panels and wind turbines are known to produce less carbon dioxide than power plants that burn fossil fuel. Less carbon dioxide is not the only benefit produced by these technologies and they need to be noticed. Switching to solar panels and wind turbines can create a vast amount of…
Daniela Zapata
August 13, 2018
How Boyan Slat is Changing Our Ocean

How Boyan Slat is Changing Our Ocean

Between California and Hawaii resides the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This part of the ocean is home to more than five trillion pieces of plastic, thats easily a sixth of the U.S. With so much garbage already thrown in, its a mystery as to why someone hasn't done something about…
Daniela Zapata
August 14, 2018
Community Impact Due to Climate Change

Community Impact Due to Climate Change

Due to climate change, many residents of coastal communities around the world are experiencing the effects of rising sea levels, increased heatwaves and droughts, and worsened floods; the threats presented by this phenomenon are becoming increasingly obvious and threatening for all of us. Carbon concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere stabilized…
August 7, 2018