Health care researchers working in life science laboratory, medical science technology research


China is now the most cited country in research

By Reggie Rego

August 24, 2022

According to a Japanese science policy institute, China has reached a new milestone as being the most cited country in research papers. Some scholars disagree that this is the most vital metric to measure the impact of research but the numbers do not lie. China’s emphasis on STEM education has a profound impact on the trajectory of its youth into various science-based industries later in life. This is a remarkable moment for science as China pushes forward toward innovation and creation. China surpassed the United States in 2016 with the most published papers and new studies suggest that the papers are more often top-notch science works that are being cited. China’s scientific prowess is undoubtedly catching up with the United States and the rest of the world to become one of the STEM world leaders.